Coleção de artigos & bibliografia sobre a relação entre o espaço geográfico e o ciberespaço


Wireless Communications and the Future of Cities

This event was held April 2, 2003

Urban Research Initiative

information technology and the future of urban environments

The economic future of our cities will be defined by their capacity to generate, process, and distribute information. With the emergence of the Internet, the diffusion of personal computers and the advent of telecommunications deregulation, cities face unprecedented requirements to compete as centers of economic activity, culture, and civic activity.


Designing Virtual Worlds

Katy Borner - InfoVis Lab Gallery


Journal of Computer Mediated Communication

Visualizing Knowledge Domains


Wireless hotspots begin at home

The Register
Artigo sobre a difusão de hotspots de redes sem fio na Grã-Bretanha. Provavelmente o surgimento de uma rede de hotspots substituiria a implantação de uma cara rede de telefonia 3G.

Blog de referências sobre temas relacionados à Cibercultura, Cibergeografia, Geografias do Ciberespaço, Relação entre o espaço virtual e o espaço real, cyberspace x meatspace...